Youth Sessions


Teenagers need to play too!

Our adventure playground provides an alternative and informal space to play, grow and discover new skills. We aim to empower children aged 10-15 through unstructured play and by giving them the freedom to choose how to spend their time.

At our Youth Sessions children have more access to tools – they may choose to help with playground maintenance, use an axe to chop wood for the campfire, or simply tinker and experiment just for the fun of it!


Funded by Pebody Housing until December 2023

“I like making food outside and socialising with other people so you get to know their personality. I like to be around nature because everything in nature makes you more peaceful”

(child aged 14)

“We get to make a fire and cook on a fire and we get to use knives and we’re getting to learn things that could help us. We could be stranded, but because we learnt it we would know what to do”

(child aged 10)